Subject |
Grade Levels |
Broad Standard Reference |
Specific Standard Code |
Specific Standard Name |
Specific Wording of Standard |
NGSS | 4 | Earth's Systems | 4-ESS2-2 | Processes That Shape the Earth | Analyze and interpret data from maps to describe patterns of Earth's features. |
NGSS | 4 | Earth's Systems | 4-ESS3-1 | Energy | Obtain and combine information to describe that energy and fuels are derived from natural resources and their uses affect the environment. |
NGSS | 4 | Earth's Systems | 4-ESS3-2 | Processes That Shape the Earth | Generate and compare multiple solutions to reduce the impacts of natural Earth processes on humans. |
NGSS | 5 | Earth's Systems | 5-ESS2-1 | Earth's Systems | Develop a model using an example to describe ways the geosphere, biosphere, hydrosphere, and/or atmosphere interact. |
NGSS | 5 | Earth's Systems | 5-ESS2-2 | Earth's Systems | Describe and graph the amounts and percentages of water and fresh water in various reservoirs to provide evidence about the distribution of water on Earth. |
NGSS | 5 | Earth's Systems | 5-ESS3-1 | Earth's Systems | Obtain and combine information about ways individual communities use science ideas to protect the Earth's resources and environment. |
NGSS | 5 | Physical Science | PS1.A | Matter and its Interactions | Matter of any type can be subdivided into particles that are too small to see, but even then the matter still exists and can be detected by other means. |
CCSS - ELA | 6 | RI.6.1 | -- | Cite textual evidence to support analysis of what the text says explicitly as well as inferences drawn from the text. | |
CCSS - ELA | 6 | RI.6.3 | -- | Analyze in detail how a key individual, event, or idea is introduced, illustrated, and elaborated in a text (e.g., through examples or anecdotes). | |
CCSS - ELA | 6 | RI.6.4 | -- | Determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in a text, including figurative, connotative, and technical meanings. | |
CCSS - ELA | 6 | RI.6.7 | -- | Integrate information presented in different media or formats (e.g., visually, quantitatively) as well as in words to develop a coherent understanding of a topic or issue. | |
NGSS | 6 | MS-ESS3-3 | Human Impacts | Apply scientific principles to design a method for monitoring and minimizing a human impact on the environment. | |
NGSS | 6 | Earth's Systems | MS-ESS2-4 | Earth's Systems | Develop a model to describe the cycling of water through Earth's systems driven by energy from the sun and the force of gravity. |
NGSS | 6-8 | Physical Science | PS1.A | Matter and its Interactions | Substances are made from different types of atoms, which combine with one another in various ways. Atoms form molecules that range in size from two to thousands of atoms. |
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